Singing Guide: Squire Parsons

Singing Guide: Squire Parsons

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Squire Parsons is an award-winning Southern Gospel singer who has been performing for over four decades. His music is known for its rich Southern sound and uplifting lyrics. He has performed with several Southern Gospel quartets, including The Kingsmen and The Imperials.

To learn how to sing like Squire Parsons, begin by analyzing his vocal technique. One of his unique vocal techniques is his vibrato. Check out the Singing with Vibrato article on Singing Carrots to learn more about vibrato and how to apply it to your singing.

Another important aspect of Squire Parsons' singing is his ability to project emotion through his vocals. Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking is another great article to read on Singing Carrots, as it provides tips for expressing emotion through your singing.

In terms of specific songs, Squire Parsons is known for his rendition of "Sweet Beulah Land." The song is a great showcase of his unique vocal techniques, and you can find the lyrics, sheet music, and chords for the song on Singing Carrots' Song-book.

To further enhance your singing abilities, consider taking the Singing Carrots' Singing Course. The 21-lesson program covers singing theory and practical tips that will help you improve your singing technique.

Don't forget to use the Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor to practice hitting your notes accurately and the Pitch Training to work on pitch agility. Additionally, the Vocal Range Test will help you discover your range and compare it to Squire Parsons' range.

Overall, to learn how to sing like Squire Parsons, focus on his vibrato, emotional delivery, and consider taking the Singing Course. Practice regularly with the tools provided on Singing Carrots and you'll be well on your way to mastering the Southern Gospel style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.